good but could use some more polishing
not graphic wise of course but yeah, game + mode would be nice and more battles much more. you could have jeeps as fast transports that are weak vs bazookas, mortars and tanks but great against others. flame thrower team great vs entrenched enemies. attack dogs cheap but fast deployed and weak for that reason. sea based missions have it so the enemie sets up defenses while you send in drop ships with artillary support and so on.
as for add ons so much more can be added and game + would shine, heres some ideas to get you going, bouncing betty mines, start a map with them selected and bouncing bettys randomly placed can kill either side, paratrooper officers can call in paratroopers only down side is they may not all make it to the ground. and so on.
I also encountered the dissapearing cursor which made it hard.
and the one thing id love to see in rts like this is the ability to take control of one unit with the arrows and space to shoot or somthing like that.